We at Hive Mendocino support the idea of sustainable farming practices for a multitude of reasons. We want to see our way of farming the standard because, frankly, it’s what we believe is necessary to play our part in this world. We share this planet with billions of other beings, and it’s our responsibility to use our brilliant minds to protect and find harmony, not destroy the place we call home.

Sustainable integrated pest management (IPM) regimens are a huge part of our conscious growing practices. We know that there is a powerful balance in our natural ecosystem, and we don’t want to destroy that. Our pollinators, in particular, are really taking a hit these days, so it’s important to keep them in mind when trying to rid our crop of unwanted pests. The use of predatory bugs is a beneficial and sustainable method when it can be used. Planting cover crops in the winter to fight off the growth of weeds is another of our methods, and using natural, proactive sprays at appropriate times is a favorable approach. We have learned the importance of sustainable IPM regimens, not only for the environment but also for our consumers’ health.
Did you know that food scraps and yard waste make up 30% of our trash? We could be composting that instead. Even outside of farming, anyone can compost and reduce their footprint. You can start your own compost at home if you’re interested in making the change. Composting enriches the soil, encourages beneficial bacteria and fungi growth, and reduces methane emissions from our landfills. All of the Hive farms compost both their household and garden waste. We plan to use this compost in the building of our soils for the cultivation of our crops to come.
We also put importance on the three Rs: reduce, reuse, and recycle. We reuse soil when appropriate, reuse/recycle our pots, use less packaging where we can, and limit our use of any resource possible. This mindset significantly reduces our footprint, and sometimes, our costs! There may be a little more labor in cleaning used pots and amending the soil, but it’s a labor of love. Purchasing in bulk largely reduces our use of resources, and due to our co-op structure, we are able to do this. That means less of that plastic packaging, a decrease in CO2 emissions due to efficient transportation, and a lowered cost per use. This is just one of the many benefits that come along with being a part of a co-op!
We hope to see these ways of farming the standard in the years to come. The way we see it, the world depends on it. We know that not every farmer out there currently adheres to these methods, but that’s what makes us different. This is what makes our “Hive” a special one, one that cares about each and every consumer of our product, and one that grows each crop with integrity and love. Buying from a farm whose focus is on sustainable practices provides you with a quality product you can consistently expect every time. By only inputting the good, we have immensely lowered our chances of crop contamination or a recall of our product, providing assurance to our B2B partners. The cannabis you buy from us is always carefully crafted to have you and the end consumer in mind.
If you are interested in purchasing some of our quality wholesale product, complete our wholesale account form and we will schedule a discovery call with you! Craft cannabis is highly sought after, appreciated, and growing in popularity every day. The demand for sustainably-grown cannabis is through the roof because people care about what they put into their bodies. Consumers want the peace of mind that comes along with sustainable cannabis, and dispensaries want to stock product that is consistent with that mindset. We love to work with others who share this passion and take pride in sustainability, and if you’re reading this now, you’re probably one of those people.
So send us a message and lets spread the love of craft cannabis throughout California!